Oct 4, 2021Liked by Natalia Stroika

Natalia, this is your best lab report yet (and they are all fantastic). Hide and Seek is definitely my number one game (thus my entry into the first Refuse journal). But to have someone see it the way you do feels to me like being found. I had a hide and seek dream a few days ago.

Dream Invasion, Oct 3 2021

I’m staying in a condo or an apartment by the beach

And there's a row of them

All the condos are similar

A friend is staying with me.

We get separated, somehow

as if we are separated by someone or something.

Something has changed about the condo

and I’m aware we are both still in the condo

but we can’t find each other.

As I look for her

she’s also looking for me.

We were together in the same room

and then something shifted

and now though we are still in the same room

we cannot find each other.

It’s confusing to be together

and not be able to find each other.

For a second I wonder if she never was

then I remember that it’s dangerous to think like that

I have to hold on to what I feel in my body

and that’s that we were in the room together

and now we can’t find each other

I can hear her and she can hear me

but we can’t find each other

It’s nighttime but light pollution brightens the sky

And I see that the sky is full of parachutes.

The sky is filled with small aircraft,

like small gliders of some sort,

Thousands of them

and they all have their chutes open

We are being invaded

I can feel in my body

that we’ve been invaded

I’m surprised and I’m not surprised

There’s a lot happening by design

this confusion

and separating ourselves from each other

this is by design

We have to leave

We have to get out of here

I’m on a train

More like an above-ground monorail system

It travels very fast

We are traveling through a forest

but high on the monorail system

near the treetops

We are traveling a long distance

very fast

I see lights below

At each stop, I get off to look

I’m running through the station, scouring

I’m looking for her

We're looking for each other

I get back on the train and at the next stop

I do the same thing

At every station, I’m searching

But I cannot find her

We keep missing each other

The trains move so fast

they carve light into the darkness.

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