Accomplishment. According to a short Psychology Today 🤣 article, accomplishment is internally motivated and seems to be linked to “satisfaction”. I am intrigued by the notion of seeking a feeling.
I wonder if taking time to consciously seek the feeling of accomplishment will motivate me to act on ideas more readily?
Antonyms for accomplishment include: forfeit, idleness, and beginning. I wonder about the nuances of trying something but not finding accomplishment or not trying at all (what might stop me?).
I do not know where or in what realm/domain I will be seeking accomplishment; I think there are many possibilities!
Freedom. I want to feel free in 2022. I find myself trapped not only by isolation (a necessity in the past year or two) but also trapped by the structures and systems constructed around me. I can feel so many of those pressing in around me. Some of them may not be able to be changed, but certainly some can be….and that will require bravery and action. I definitely feel fear around challenging and changing those systems: what will that mean, who will I be, who will others become around, and to, me? Is it possible for me to feel freedom while in community, or while in relationship to another? Or is that a solitary adventure for me? What will either of those mean? That’s my answer, and the questions that come with it.
Accomplishment. According to a short Psychology Today 🤣 article, accomplishment is internally motivated and seems to be linked to “satisfaction”. I am intrigued by the notion of seeking a feeling.
I wonder if taking time to consciously seek the feeling of accomplishment will motivate me to act on ideas more readily?
Antonyms for accomplishment include: forfeit, idleness, and beginning. I wonder about the nuances of trying something but not finding accomplishment or not trying at all (what might stop me?).
I do not know where or in what realm/domain I will be seeking accomplishment; I think there are many possibilities!
Freedom. I want to feel free in 2022. I find myself trapped not only by isolation (a necessity in the past year or two) but also trapped by the structures and systems constructed around me. I can feel so many of those pressing in around me. Some of them may not be able to be changed, but certainly some can be….and that will require bravery and action. I definitely feel fear around challenging and changing those systems: what will that mean, who will I be, who will others become around, and to, me? Is it possible for me to feel freedom while in community, or while in relationship to another? Or is that a solitary adventure for me? What will either of those mean? That’s my answer, and the questions that come with it.